
Our school attendance target is 96% or above.

Mrs Wallace ( SENCo) is responsible for monitoring attendance in the school.

Children should arrive at school in good time, but we request that unless they are attending breakfast club, please do not arrive before 8.40am.

As I’m sure you are aware, parents/carers are legally responsible for their child’s attendance at school and must ensure regular attendance.

If your child is absent for any reason – please inform the school in person, by telephone or in writing. This also applies to children who need to leave during the day for any medical checks or treatment. Where possible, medical and dental appointments should be made out of school time or during school holidays.

Attendance records are kept and published annually as required by law.  Children will not normally be allowed to leave the premises for medical appointments, unless a note or personal call has been received, and parents/carers (over 18 yrs) must collect children if they are to leave school during the school day. The Governing Body are regularly updated about school attendance levels.

Attendance records of all pupils are monitored regularly by the Head of School, SENCo and the Education Welfare Officer. We will contact parents/carers whenever we are concerned about the levels of absence. Our Education Welfare Officer is Karen Millington.

Due to legislation we are unable to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which doesn’t include a holiday.  Therefore,  any unauthorised absence (over 5 days within a term) will result in an immediate penalty notice of £60 per child, per parent.

Days off school add up to lost learning.

Did you know that an attendance of 85% each year means that  1 whole year of primary education is missed?